

Press-center is a place to hold press conferences, briefings, Internet conferences, roundtable discussions, initiative telephone hotlines, video-bridges.
A hall of the press-center is equipped with modern multimedia techniques. They are TV-splitters, LCD panels, web-cameras, microphones for speakers and journalists, incomes for digital voice recorders to plug in the conference system, telephone connection, Wi-Fi-net. There are 52 places for journalists equipped in the hall of the press-center. There I sa possibility to hold Internet broadcasting of the press-center events online.

look through the blown-up map
Kharkiv, Kvitky-Osnovyanenko str., 7, the 2nd floor ул.
Telephone/fax: +380-57-760-70-50
E-mail: [email protected]
Subdepartment of connections with mass-media
Kushchenko Irina Aleksandrovna
Telephone: +380-57-760-74-37
Press secretary of the mayor
Gruzinskaya Tatiana Anatolievna
Telephone: +380-57-760-74-93
Kushchenko Irina Aleksandrovna
Telephone: +380-57-760-74-37